List of publications using CHIR 124 (Axon 1636) purchased from Axon Medchem

(Total 6 publication citations listed; updated JUNE 2016) 

Ercilla, A., Llopis, A., Feu, S., Aranda, S., Ernfors, P., Freire, R. and Agell, N., 2016. New origin firing is inhibited by APC/CCdh1 activation in S-phase after severe replication stress. Nucleic acids research, p.gkw132. 

Vera, J., Raatz, Y., Wolkenhauer, O., Kottek, T., Bhattacharya, A., Simon, J.C. and Kunz, M., 2015. Chk1 and Wee1 control genotoxic-stress induced G2–M arrest in melanoma cells. Cellular signalling, 27(5), pp.951-960.
Barclay, S.S., Tamura, T., Ito, H., Fujita, K., Tagawa, K., Shimamura, T., Katsuta, A., Shiwaku, H., Sone, M., Imoto, S. and Miyano, S., 2013. Systems biology analysis of Drosophila in vivo screen data elucidates core networks for DNA damage repair in SCA1. Human molecular genetics, p.ddt524.

Role of checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) in the mechanisms of resistance to histone deacetylase inhibitors.
JH Lee, ML Choy, L Ngo, G Venta-Perez, PA Marks.
PNAS USA, 2011, 108 (49), 19629-19634. 

Human Papillomavirus Episome Stability Is Reduced by Aphidicolin and Controlled by DNA Damage Response Pathways.
TG Edwards, MJ Helmus, K Koeller, JK Bashkin, C Fisher.
J. Virol. 2013, 87(7), 3979-3989.  doi: 10.1128/JVI.03473-12 

Role of checkpoint kinase 1 in malignant melanoma.
Smith, Joanne Louise (2013) PhD thesis, University of Glasgow, UK
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(This is an incomplete list, updated JUNE 2016) 

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