List of publications using RO 3306 (Axon 1530) purchased from Axon Medchem

Total 10 publication citations from 2011 to 2019 (partial list)

Sheng, C., Mendler, I. H., Rieke, S., Snyder, P., Jentsch, M., Friedrich, D., ... & Loewer, A. (2019). PCNA-mediated degradation of p21 coordinates the DNA damage response and cell cycle regulation in individual cells. Cell reports, 27(1), 48-58.

Kasvandik, S., Schilf, R., Saarma, M., Loog, M., & Jaager, K. (2019). Cell cycle-balanced expression of pluripotency regulators via cyclin-dependent kinase 1 activity. bioRxiv, 764639.

Voos, P., Fuck, S., Weipert, F., Babel, L., Tandl, D., Meckel, T., ... & Thiel, G. (2018). Ionizing radiation induces morphological changes and immunological modulation of Jurkat cells. Frontiers in immunology, 9, 922.

Rogers, S., Fey, D., McCloy, R. A., Parker, B. L., Mitchell, N. J., Payne, R. J., ... & Croucher, D. R. (2016). PP1 initiates the dephosphorylation of MASTL, triggering mitotic exit and bistability in human cells. J Cell Sci, 129(7), 1340-1354.

McCloy, R. A., Parker, B. L., Rogers, S., Chaudhuri, R., Gayevskiy, V., Hoffman, N. J., ... & Lorca, T. (2015). Global phosphoproteomic mapping of early mitotic exit in human cells identifies novel substrate dephosphorylation motifs. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 14(8), 2194-2212.

McCloy, R. A., Rogers, S., Caldon, C. E., Lorca, T., Castro, A., & Burgess, A. (2014). Partial inhibition of Cdk1 in G2 phase overrides the SAC and decouples mitotic events. Cell cycle, 13(9), 1400-1412.

Kasvandik, S., Schilf, R., Saarma, M., Loog, M., & Jääger, K. Cell cycle-balanced expression of pluripotency regulators via cyclin-dependent kinase.

Lafranchi, L., de Boer, H. R., de Vries, E. G., Ong, S. E., Sartori, A. A., & van Vugt, M. A. (2014). APC/CCdh1 controls CtIP stability during the cell cycle and in response to DNA damage. The EMBO journal, 33(23), 2860-2879.
* RO3306 and Olaparib from Axon Medchem

Hu, C. K., Coughlin, M., & Mitchison, T. J. (2012). Midbody assembly and its regulation during cytokinesis. Molecular biology of the cell, 23(6), 1024-1034.

Hu, C. K., Coughlin, M., Field, C. M., & Mitchison, T. J. (2011). KIF4 regulates midzone length during cytokinesis. Current biology, 21(10), 815-824.

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