Cell Signaling & Oncology

Axon Ligands™ for Cell Signaling & Oncology Research

The signaling pathways controlling cell growth and differentiation are almost invariably altered in cancer. During the course of tumor progression, cancer cells acquire a number of characteristic alterations. These include the capacities to proliferate independently of exogenous growth-promoting or growth-inhibitory signals, to invade surrounding tissues and metastasize to distant sites, to elicit an angiogenic response, and to evade mechanisms that limit cell proliferation, such as apoptosis and replicative senescence. These properties reflect alterations in the cellular signaling pathways that in normal cells control cell proliferation, motility, and survival. These interconnected pathways are being deciphered, but understanding the alterations that lead to cancer and correcting them is a substantial challenge. Among the key pathways are those controlling cell proliferation, which coordinate a response to the cellular environment, with the mTOR kinase as a critical node. Tumour development is influenced by infections and inflammation, and the complex role of the nuclear factor-B transcription factors is being unravelled. Expansion of tumour cells depends on nutrient supply and vascularization, which is orchestrated by the transcription factor known as HIF. And the metastatic spread of primary tumours to other organs is facilitated by many signaling pathways[1],[2].

Cell Signaling and Oncology products Library

For your convenience, you can order a library of all of our Cell Signaling and Oncology research related products. Make your personal library by cherry picking products of your interest from our comprehensive list (>800 products), or order all together not to miss any. The libraries will be shipped as 10 mM solutions (in DMSO, 250 µL of each selected Axon Ligand™) on a 96-well microtiter plate with a clear map of its contents.

Simply download our comprehensive list of epigenetics products below (Microsoft Excel (.xls)), check the products to be included, and return your list to order the library of your preference.

Axon Ligands™ for Epigenetic research   Axon 5051 - Cell signaling and Oncology Library.xls                   


[1] A. Eccleston, R. Dhand. Signalling in cancer. Nature 441, 423, editorial note
[2] G.S. Martin. Cell signaling and cancer. Cancer Cell. 2003 Sep;4(3):167-74.

Items 1 to 30 of 31 total

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Axon ID Name Description From price
2916 Cevipabulin Potent microtubule-active antitumor agent €140.00
3371 Colchicine Tubulin polymerization inhibitor €50.00
1233 Combretastatin-A4 Tubulin polymerization inhibitor €85.00
2104 CP 471474 MMP inhibitor €95.00
3879 Dynasore Noncompetitive cell-permeable dynamin inhibitor €80.00
2351 EHop 016 Rac GTPase inhibitor specific for Rac1 and Rac3 €85.00
1650 HTI 286 Tubulin polymerization inhibitor €140.00
4029 Hydroxy-Dynasore Cell-permeable dynamin inhibitor; MUS81-EME1/2 inhibitor €90.00
2406 IMM 01 Small-molecule agonist of mammalian Diaphanous (mDia)-related formins €95.00
2777 MBQ-167 Dual Rac and Cdc42 inhibitor €105.00
2658 MPT0B098 Microtubule inhibitor that suppresses JAK2/STAT3 signaling €105.00
1310 Myoseverin Tubulin polymerization inhibitor €125.00
1578 NSC 23766 Rac1 inhibitor €110.00
2162 NSC 405020 MT1-MMP inhibitor specifically targeting PEX-domain. €85.00
2393 NSC 756093 Potent in vitro inhibitor of GBP1:PIM1 interaction €125.00
1271 PD166793 MMP inhibitor €110.00
1181 PF 00356231 MMP-12 inhibitor €140.00
3368 Podophyllotoxin Tubulin polymerization inhibitor €40.00
2328 PTIQ Neuroprotectant with attenuating effects on MMP-3 expression €125.00
3083 PVHD121 Microtubule inhibitor €120.00
3804 Sabizabulin Orally bioavailable and highly potent tubulin polymerization inhibitor €220.00
2370 SB-3CT Potent and selective inhibitor of Gelatinases MMP-2 and MMP-9 €125.00
2815 SP-6-27 Microtubule inhibitor €125.00
2398 Suprafenacine Destabilizer of microtubules that causes cell cycle arrest in the G2/M phase €110.00
3400 Tubulin inhibitor 6 Tubulin polymerization inhibitor; iHAP €90.00
2111 UK 356618 Potent MMP-3 (aka Stromelysin-1) inhibitor €130.00
2073 UK 383367 Inhibitor of bone morphogenetic protein 1 (BMP-1, aka PCP) €110.00
1804 Wiskostatin Inhibitor of neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP) €105.00
2816 WX-132-18B Tubulin-polymerization inhibitor targeting the colchicine site €115.00
2138 ZCL 278 Cdc42 GTPase inhibitor, targeting Cdc42–ITSN interaction €105.00

Items 1 to 30 of 31 total

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