Everolimus - RAD001

Based on 8659 reference(s) in Google Scholar 8 10 8659

Axon 4149

CAS [159351-69-6]

MF C53H83NO14
MW 958.22

  • Purity: 99%
  • Optical purity: >99% e.e.
  • Soluble in DMSO



Everolimus is a Rapamycin derivative. It is currently used as an immunosuppressant to prevent rejection of organ transplants and as an mTOR inhibitor to treat renal cell cancer and other tumors.

Keywords: Everolimus | Supplier | mTOR1 inhibitor | RAD001 | RAD-001 | RAD 001 | CT-EVER | CAS [159351-69-6] | Phosphatidylinositol | mTOR | Inhibitor | Enzymes

The purity of Axon Ligands™ is confirmed by HPLC-MS, 1H-NMR and/or microanalysis. Analytical data are available upon request.

Caution: Axon Ligands™ are not fully tested. They are for research purposes only! Not for human consumption!

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