
Based on 1 reference(s) in Google Scholar 8 10 1

Axon 4051

CAS [3047493-70-6]

MF C27H23N7O4
MW 509.52

  • Purity: 99%
  • Soluble in DMSO
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STL001 is a FOXM1 inhibitor and exhibits selectivity toward suppressing FOXM1-controlled regulatory pathways. STL001 preserves the mode of action of STL427944 (Axon 4050), but is up to 50 times more efficient in reducing FOXM1 activity in a variety of solid cancers.

KEYWORDS: STL001 | Supplier | FOXM1 inhibitor | STL 001 | STL-001 | CAS [3047493-70-6] | DNA-RNA | FOXM1 | Inhibitor | Transcription Factors | Forkhead box protein M1

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The purity of Axon Ligands™ is confirmed by HPLC-MS, 1H-NMR and/or microanalysis. Analytical data are available upon request.

Caution: Axon Ligands™ are not fully tested. They are for research purposes only! Not for human consumption!

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